
Trigonometry basic and advance concepts, Relations, Rules, Formulae, identities, theorems

What is trigonometry definition  

Trigonometry (from Greek "tri" meaning three, "gon" meaning side and metron meaning measure) is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.

Trigonometry uses & trigonometry  practical applications. 

Trigonometry has been applied in area such as Engineering, surveying, navigation, mechanics, geodesy, construction.

Trigonometric ratios 

Trigonometric ratio help in finding the missing angles and sides of triangle.
trigonometric ratios are ratio between sides of  

Let us take a Right Angle triangle as ABC

  • Trigonometry Addition Formulae &  Trigonometry Subtraction Formulae

sin(A+B)   =   sinA.cosB + cosA.sinB

sin(A−B)   =   sinA.cosB − cosA.sinB

cos(A+B)  =   cosA.cosB − sinA.sinB

cos(A−B)  =   cosA.cosB + sinA.sinB



      tan(A+B)=− tanAtanBtantanB ​

      tan(AB)=tanAtanBtan− tanB

     cot(A±B)=cotAcot± 1cotAcot∓ 1

      tan(4Ï€±Î¸)=∓ tanθ± tanθ ​

      cot(4Ï€±Î¸)=cotθ ± 1cotθ ∓ 1


  • Trigonometry Multiple & Trigonometry Submultiple Angle Formulae

          ​sin2θ  =2sinθcosθ

       cos2θ   =cos2θsin2θ

                   =2cos2θ1                   =12sin2θ                   =1+tan2θ1tan2θ


        tan2θ  =1tan2θ2tanθ


      cos3θ  =4cos3θ3cosθ

        sin3θ  =3sinθ4sin3θ

         sin3θ  =43sinθsin3θ

        tan3θ  =13tan2θ


           cos3θ  =43cosθ + cos 3θ

  • Trigonometry Identities Formulae

         sin2θ+cos2θ  =1         1+tan2θ         =sec2θ         1+cot2θ         =cosec2θ

  • Trigonometric Relations Formulae

           tanθ       =cos Î¸ sin Î¸ 

          cot Î¸       =sin Î¸ cos Î¸ 

          cot Î¸       =tan Î¸ 1 

        cosec Î¸  =sin Î¸ 1 

        sec Î¸       =cos Î¸ 1 

  • Table of Trigonometric Ratios or Trigonometry ratios  tables 

        trigonometry table download 
Trignometry table,Trignometry table, basic and advance concepts, Relations, Rules, Formulae, identities, theorems

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