Limits Basic Concepts theorem, rules, formulae, tricks, tips 2021 pdf

Limits Basic Concepts theorem, rules, formulae, tricks, tips 2021 pdf download

Limits Concepts:

Limit of a function at a point is the common value of the left and right hand limits, if they coincide

Limits Basics:

Limits history:

Theorem on Limits:


 Let xalimf(x)=l and xalimg(x)=m then 

1. xalim[f(x)+g(x)]=xalimf(x) +xalimg(x) = +m

2.xalim[f(x)g(x)]=xalimf(xxalimg(x) =lm

3. xalimf(x)g(x)=xalimf(xxalimg(x=lm

4. xalim[g(x)f(x)] = limxa  g(x)limxa​   f(x) =ml

5. xalimf(x)  = kxa lim f(x)

Important Limits Formulae

  1. x0lim

xaxnan=an1 where nN

 2. x0limxsinx=1

 3. x0limxtanx=1

 4. x0lim
cosx =1

Limits Basic Concepts theorem, rules, formulae, tricks, tips 2021 pdf