Limits Basic Concepts theorem, rules, formulae, tricks, tips 2021 pdf download
Limits Concepts:
Limit of a function at a point is the common value of the left and right hand
limits, if they coincide
Limits Basics:
Limits history:
Theorem on Limits:
Letx→alimf(x)=l and x→alimg(x)=m then
2.x→alim[f(x)−g(x)]=x→alimf(x) −x→alimg(x) =l−m
3. x→alimf(x)⋅g(x)=x→alimf(x) ⋅x→alimg(x) =l⋅m
4. x→alim[g(x)f(x)] = limx→a g(x)limx→a f(x) =ml
5. x→alimk f(x) = kx→a lim f(x)
Important Limits Formulae
1. x→0lim
x−axn−an=n an−1 where n∈N
2. x→0limxsinx=1
3. x→0limxtanx=14. x→0lim
cocosx =1